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Meet Neimoya Basden

Neimoya Basden is committed to equipping faith-based women with the tools to heal from their trauma, remove the residue of their past, and shift their mindset so they can become the best version of themselves. As a sought after speaker, coach, author, and mentor, Neimoya captivates her audience with her bold and courageous truths, and uses her past mistakes, mishaps, and wrong decisions to help pave a clear path for women who are ready to live a victorious life after the pain.

While dealing with the residue of low self-esteem, insecurity, suicidal thoughts, sexual abuse, pregnancy loss, depression, and toxic relationships, Neimoya realized she only had two options: give up or get up. It was in her darkest moments that she made the decision to pick up all of her broken pieces, give them to God, and allow Him to shape and mold her into the woman she was always destined to be.


Evolving from the insecure, broken, suicidal girl she once was into the courageous, powerful woman she is today took faith, hope, growth, dedication, and time. Today, Neimoya continues to positively impact and change lives with her successful approach at leading a triumphant life after trauma, and uses every past experience, good and bad, to help women get up and become the best version of themselves.


In 2023 Neimoya launched Girl Just Heal, a ministry dedicated to helping women heal, grow, and evolve into the best version of themselves. Since its launch, Girl Just Heal has been able to successfully impact and support women in achieving their desired level of healing, engaging in personal development, and building healthy relationships with themselves.

When she's not helping women, become the best version of themselves, Neimoya enjoys spending time with her husband, her family, and her friends.

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